Éducation nationale : merci pour ce moment

« Je veux redonner espoir aux nouvelles générations ». En janvier 2012, François Hollande, candidat socialiste à l’élection présidentielle, déclarait dans son discours du Bourget faire de l’école l’une des de ses priorités.

Quatre de ses soixante engagements concernaient, ainsi, directement un système scolaire aux abois, mis à mal par le quinquennat de Nicolas Sarkozy.


François Hollande, discours du Bourget, 2012

L’impossible pérennité

Quatre années plus tard, qu’en est-il ? A écouter, certains professeurs ou parents d’élèves, la satisfaction, concernant les réformes achevées, est plus que timorée.

Pire, des incohérences se dégagent de cette politique éducative sans ligne directrice clairement établie.   Le changement de ministre en 2014, après deux ans d’exercice, n’y est certainement pas étranger.

Vincent Peillon, un technocrate philosophe a passé le relais à Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, peu spécialisée de la question mais reine de la communication moderne.

Vincent Peillon, ancien ministre de l’Education nationale
Photo/Le Point

Entre les deux, l’étoile filante Hamon (d’avril à août 2014) n’a pas eu le temps de marquer son empreinte rue de Grenelle, si ce n’est en aménageant la sulfureuse réforme des rythmes scolaires de son prédécesseur.

Quelle politique pour quels effets ?

Pour bien comprendre, l’impact de la politique éducative de Hollande, apportons une réponse en trois volets : recrutement et formation des professeurs, réforme du collège et de l’enseignement prioritaire, réforme des rythme scolaires pour finir.


Formation, recrutement des professeurs ainsi qu’attractivité du métier d’enseignant, voilà le premier gros chantier lancé par Vincent Peillon.

Quasiment achevé par Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, c’est certainement le seul dossier où l’effort a été conséquent.

Najet Vallaud-Belkacem, ministre de l’Education nationale
Photo/Europe 1

Il faut dire que les cinq années calamiteuses sous Sarkozy ont tant fragilisés l’institution que les socialistes ne pouvaient que mieux faire.

En imposant un bac + 5 à tout étudiant souhaitant devenir enseignant (réforme dite de la mastérisation), en les jetant dans le grand bain sans années de stage (donc de préparation au terrain), le pouvoir de droite a détourné un paquet de jeunes diplômés de ce métier pourtant si noble.

Malgré une revalorisation salariale-157 euros net pour les jeunes enseignants débutant avant la réforme-, beaucoup d’étudiants se sont dirigés vers d’autres métiers mieux rémunérés.

Juguler l’hémorragie déclenchée sous Sarkozy

Cette réforme appliquée, en 2010, obligeait les étudiants à passer leur concours lors de la deuxième année du master.

Photo/Le Point

Une fois reçus au CAPES (second degré) ou CRPE (premier degré), les professeurs débutants ne pouvaient donc être titularisés qu’en étant diplômés de ce master.

L’année de stage avec un tiers temps devant les élèves était donc supprimée pour les lauréats des concours attaquant directement leur carrière à temps complet.

Le jeune stagiaire ne bénéficiant que d’une formation professionnelle prodiguée au cours de l’année.

L’arrêt de ce cursus préparatoire, a ainsi, fait économiser 9.567 postes à l’État, selon un rapport de la Cour des comptes, alors que la réforme était mise en place dans le contexte de non-renouvellement d’un fonctionnaire sur deux partant à la retraite.

Au total, plus de 70 000 emplois ont ainsi été supprimés dans l’éducation nationale sous l’ère Sarkozy.

Recrutement en berne

Ces choix budgétaires ont aggravé la crise de recrutement dans le secondaire dans de nombreuses matières, comme les maths. Dans le premier degré, le nombre de candidats a été revu à la baisse.

Etant donné qu’il s’agit de concours, le niveau d’accession a chuté de manière significative notamment dans des académies déjà fragilisées et répulsives pour le premier degré.

Dans le second degré, Sarkozy a fait passer la pilule en multipliant les heures supplémentaires défiscalisées des enseignants acceptant de combler les tous, là où il aurait, en fait, fallu un professeur.


L’accompagnement éducatif (études ou activités culturelles ou sportives le soir après l’école), généreusement payé a fini d’éteindre les contestations.  Le silence, ça se paie.

Le nombre de professeurs a donc baissé de manière significative alors même que la conjoncture démographique était florissante avec un taux de fécondité en hausse depuis 1999.

Profs low-cost

Résultats, il a fallu recruter des professeurs à la pelle avec de statuts précaires (vacataires, contractuels). Le tout sans formation au préalable.

Avec des rectorats débordés, les chefs d’établissement ont recruté via le Pôle emploi ou encore sur le Bon Coin à la recherche de professeurs diplômés et pas forcément dans la matière d’enseignement…

Annonce parue dans le Bon Coin

Comme tableau on ne pouvait pas faire plus dramatique.

Formation des enseignants : pari gagné ?

Fraichement nommé à l’Education nationale par Hollande en 2012, Vincent Peillon lance immédiatement, la réforme de l’éducation et de la formation des maîtres. « Refondons l’école de la République » s’appuie sur une vaste concertation menée de juillet à octobre 2012.

Projet de loi pour “La refondation de l’école”

Le projet aboutit en septembre 2013 à la création des écoles supérieures du professorat et de l’éducation (ESPE) hébergées dans les universités, une formation à la fois professionnelle et universitaire pour les futurs enseignants de la maternelle à l’université.

Les étudiants préparent le concours en première année de master et en cas de réussite suivent une deuxième année de formation allégée, un master MEEF (métiers de l’enseignement de l’éducation et de la formation).

Un stage en école ou établissement (un poste à mi-temps) constitue le versant professionnalisant.

Professeur ou étudiant ?

Après deux années de fonctionnement Philippe Watrelot, professeur de sciences économiques et sociales en lycée,  en temps partagé à l’Ecole Supérieur de Professorat et de l’éducation (ESPE) de Paris et ancien président du CRAP (cercle de recherche et d’actions pédagogiques-Cahiers Pédagogiques) tirait un premier bilan sur son blog le 24 juin 2015.

Philippe Watrelot

« Un des avantages de cette nouvelle organisation de la formation est de créer encore plus un esprit “promo”. En effet, beaucoup (d’étudiants) se suivent entre le M1 et le M2 et cela permet de construire une véritable solidarité entre eux et une habitude de mutualisation. 

L’autre élément notable — mais que le formateur est le seul à percevoir— est que les stagiaires semblent moins stressés que ceux qui étaient à leur place il y a deux ans.

Entre un demi-service aujourd’hui et un service complet d’enseignement (avec 3h en moins) la différence est réelle. Même s’il est difficile de combiner la poursuite du M2 et ses obligations avec la préparation des cours comme beaucoup l’ont fait remarquer.

La nouvelle formation n’est donc pas exactement le retour à la situation d’avant 2010 puisque les stagiaires de l’époque n’avaient pas à mener de front le Master et le stage en responsabilité (…)

Lorsqu’on est en master MEEF, on suit des cours à la fac et en même temps des séances de formation et des stages.

Les étudiants courent donc sans cesse d’un coin de Paris à un autre. Le matin à l’université, l’après-midi à l’ex-IUFM sur un site ou un autre.

Il n’y a pas d’unité de lieu et il est donc difficile dans ces conditions de voir aussi une unité de formation. Contrairement à l’IUFM, l’ESPÉ est un lieu virtuel (… ).

Enfin, pour faire écho à ce que je disais plus haut sur la notation, les stagiaires disent souvent en bilan leur difficulté à naviguer entre le statut d’adulte responsable qu’est celui de professeur stagiaire et le statut d’“étudiant” avec des notes et des contraintes qui sont vécues et ressenties comme “infantilisantes”.

Ce décalage n’est pas nouveau, on le retrouvait déjà dans les IUFM, mais il est renforcé, me semble-t-il, par la mastérisation et la notation. »

60 000 postes créés sous Hollande, mythe ou réalité ?

La réforme de la formation effectuée, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem a  poursuivi  la campagne de recrutement des enseignants entamée par Vincent Peillon.

Campagne de recrutement de professeurs

Jouer sur les mots…et les chiffres

L’engagement 36 de François Hollande annonçant le chiffre ambitieux de 60 000 postes supplémentaires.

« A ceux qui doutaient qu’on y arriverait, et bien ça y est, c’est fait ! » a annoncé fièrement la ministre le 28 septembre dernier.

Avec 12 800 postes créés pour 2017 qui s’ajoutent aux 47 200 emplois déjà créés, l’objectif semble atteint, sur le papier.

En réalité, la ministre prend en compte cette année, 2150 postes d’assistants d’éducation jamais comptabilisés jusqu’ici.

Elle oublie également de signaler qu’une bonne part des nouveaux postes créés sont affectés à des professeurs stagiaires qui n’enseignent pas à plein temps contrairement à ceux qu’ils remplacent.

Enfin, elle estime que le remplacement d’un départ en retraite est une création de poste.

Alors, y a-t-il suffisamment de professeurs dans notre pays ?

Concernant les enseignants, une partie de ces emplois étant destinés à financer la formation, les 45 000 emplois d’enseignants prévus sur le quinquennat se transforment en seulement 33 600 postes supplémentaires à implanter sur le terrain.

Sur le terrain justement, cette création de postes d’enseignants couvre à peine l’évolution démographique de notre population.

On compte 260 000 élèves supplémentaires entre 2007 et 2016. Avec le fameux papy-boom, les départs en retraite sont massifs.

En 2013, 19 600 fonctionnaires de l’éducation nationale sont partis en retraite. Les besoins en professeurs remplaçants mais aussi les attentes structurelles ne sont ainsi pas entièrement couverts.

Les enseignants reprochent donc à la ministre actuelle de se contenter de colmater les brèches créées par la politique désastreuse de ses prédécesseurs de droite (les ministres Darcos puis Châtel) sans mener pour autant une politique ambitieuse en matière de recrutement. Deux exemples peuvent illustrer cela.

41 % des classes de lycée comptabilisent entre 35 et 39 élèves en 2015

Dans les lycées, la part des classes du public comptant de 35 à 39 élèves est passée de 25% à 41% entre 2012 et 2015.

La moyenne du nombre d’élèves par classe passant de 28,3 à 30.

Il faut ajouter qu’un nombre important des postes créés n’ont pas été implantés dans les académies du fait de la crise du recrutement particulièrement vive dans certaines disciplines (43% des postes au concours non pourvus en allemand, 54% en lettres classiques, 26,5% en maths par exemple en 2016).

De ce fait, près du quart des emplois supplémentaires prévus entre 2013 et 2015 n’a pas été pourvu.

Un fonctionnement à flux tendu source de précarité

Le second exemple est celui de la Seine-Saint-Denis dans le primaire.

Dans l’académie de Créteil, sur les 650 postes de professeurs des écoles créés, 500 ont été affectés à ce département qui bénéficie en plus d’un concours spécial pour la deuxième année consécutive avec 500 places à la clé.

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Malgré cette aide accrue allouée à un département en souffrance, le journal Le Parisien titrait un constat alarmant, le 18 février dernier.

Chaque jour, 400 classes sont sans professeur, source de mécontentement légitime pour les familles se sentant abandonnés par l’Etat.

Rappelons aussi que ce concours spécial 93 créé en 2015 s’adresse à tous les candidats ayant échoué dans les autres.

Un concours au rabais en somme pour un département qui aurait besoin de professeurs de qualité et surtout expérimentés.

Au regard des besoins de maître supplémentaire (trois professeurs pour deux classes par exemple) et de la reconstitution du RASED (réseau d’aides spécialisées aux élèves en difficulté) mis à mal sous Sarkozy, de la scolarisation des enfants de moins de trois ans, ce nombre de postes créés est donc très insuffisant.

Il nécessitera comme chaque année l’emploi de centaines de vacataires et contractuels, à peine formés.

Ce fonctionnement à flux tendu dans la plupart des académies est ainsi périlleux et ne pourra être résolu en se contentant d’annoncer des créations de postes, aussi nombreuses soient elles.


Campagne de recrutement organisée par l’académie de Créteil

Panser, ce n’est pas guérir et c’est donc le reproche que les syndicats adressent à la ministre. Certaines filières se sont redressées, d’autres poursuivent leur chute, de manière plus lente. Quant aux zones sinistrées, elles manquent toujours terriblement de professeurs.

Pour recruter mieux et en nombre, il faut attirer de nouveaux étudiants vers ce métier. La ministre l’a, semble-t-il, compris.

A moins qu’il ne s’agisse d’une manœuvre électorale. Celle d’un président sentant perdre son électorat pour 2017.

Les professeurs des écoles auront ainsi une prime de 100 euros, l’indemnité de suivi et d’orientation (ISO) que touchaient déjà les professeurs du second degré. Une revendication historique enfin acceptée.

Ce bilan est donc mitigé, de réels efforts ayant été déployés dans la formation des enseignants ce qui est loin d’être le cas dans le recrutement, insuffisant pour encadrer au mieux les élèves français.

La faute à un métier devenu répulsif au fil du temps. La faute aussi à un manque de volonté des socialistes qui auront réussi à écœurer les enseignants, pourtant, socle de leur électorat.

A écouter les candidats à la primaire du centre et de la droite sur la réduction du nombre de fonctionnaires et la modification de leurs statuts, cette crise de l’enseignement n’est pas prête de s’arranger.

Jean-Riad Kechaou est professeur depuis 15 ans en banlieue parisienne. Auteur d'un essai socio-historique sur le quartier des Bosquets « 93370 Les Bosquets, un ghetto français » (MeltingBook Editions). Il écrit pour MeltingBook et le site de Politis dans un blog intitulé "Un Prof sur le front".

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    casag disse:Se o outro lado ‘se fizer de migué’ podemos concluir que quem cala consente.Afinal, interesse em vender para EAU, êles têm. O Europhant Blanc principalmente.

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    Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.

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    I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?

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    The Gluten free mickey waffles would be a great thing to try! I’m going to have to tell my friend about them, as she should be very happy to hear.I like the Giant Mickey Waffle though.

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    Now you can stay home and get paid for your opinion!…Everyday companies pay big bucks to people like you just to know what you’re thinking. They’re desperate to understand how you think and shop and why you buy certain products. This helps them improve their products. So they pay YOU good money for you…

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    I haven’t seen the new smurf toys although there was a smurf village set up near my office by Central Park last summer. I was the crazy lady pushing through to have her pic taken with Smurfette in front of the mushroom house. Everyone else in line was around six years old ;) I know I still have my Smurfs at my parents house, I need to look for them when I visit next so I can do a post about them!

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    Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.

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    Anche io sono rimasta stupita che, da un testo così denso e ricco sia stata tratta ispirazione per una storia così futile e stanca nella sua prevedibilità. Avrei sperato di trovare almeno una scintilla di quelle vite…

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    boa noite toninho parabéns pelo sucesso e a audiência .muito bom seu programa fico com o radio ligadinho ouço toda progamaçao mas o seu é muito bom coloque meu nome na oração ah só um detalhe qual a agencia de emprego do seu amigo estou precisando de serviço fica com deus toca eduardo costa a musica imperfeito;

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    Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?

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    I just got back from a weekend trip and don't you know it, I came down with an awful cold on Day One! Thankfully I sort of felt it coming on so I did bring medicine with me. Definitely good advice!

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    Oh wow. I want to say ‘you poor thing’ but that is so the wrong sentiment because you dodged a bullet with this one! I am laughing with you, and giving you loads of support (har har) for this story – I LOVED all 3 parts

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    I used to be recommended this blog through my cousin. I’m no longer certain whether or not this put up is written through him as nobody else realize such precise about my trouble. You’re incredible! Thank you!

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    You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.

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    Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.

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    WTF is going on with them?!!This morning mine told me I was having a heart attack at 213 bpm…stupid thing. I looked like a weirdo walking down Harris St at 5.45am with my hand down my shirt trying to fix it!

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    Wow, I could not agree more. Healthcare managers set goals and expect therapist to buy into their thinking. Too bad because when they do include their staff in on the planning, wonderful things emerge. Thank s for sharing this Bill. As a principal, how do you meet your employees need for competence, autonomy and relatedness?

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    salam kenal masmo nanya ni, saya pemula pake canon 1000D dengan lensa kit. klo motret acara di ruang pertemuan seperti di aula hotel itu pake setting yg gmana ya, saya kemarin coba2 kdg pada mode otomatis portrait, night mode, kok rasanya masing belum puas yaa. thanks infonya

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    Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good information.

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    Speed kill,its for the people that have hear .Life has no duplicate .Others should becareful ministers ,governors ,political holders running with government cars as if it’s a race .This is a big lesson .Kogi Governor sorry oooo,l wish you well

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    1c0Hello Nick, we have a baggage price for up to 30 cubic feet which is about 5 suitcases full but boxes are good. All she would have to do is drop it off at our Portland terminal and we would ship it through to your ground floor front door for $654. Hope thats sounds reasonable? I’ll email you these prices and tell your fiancee to call me if she has any questions or needs some help. Cheers Moving Doc

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    Love Whole Foods. Their foods are so natural, fresh and organic. It’s all over California! Was so into them esp. during college and grad school years. But, they are pretty pricey. Now shop there occassionally. Another cool store is Trader Joe’s.

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    That insight’s perfect for what I need. Thanks!

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    I read your posting and was jealous

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    This design is incredible! You definitely know how to keep a reader entertained. Between your wit and your videos, I was almost moved to start my own blog (well, almost…HaHa!) Excellent job. I really loved what you had to say, and more than that, how you presented it. Too cool!

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    சிரஞ்சீவி, முதலில் கட்டுரையின் சாராம்சத்தை உள்வாங்கிவிட்டு அப்புறம் எழுதுங்கள். கட்டுரையின் எந்த இடத்தில் இன விரோதத்தை தூண்டும் விதத்தில் உள்ளது? தேசிப இன மக்களின் இயல்பான ஒற்றுமை உணர்வு பன்னாட்டு ஏகபோகத்திற்காக இந்திய, சிங்கள அரசுகளால் எவ்வாறு தூண்டிவிடப்படுகிறது என்பதைத்தானே கட்டுரை சுட்டிக்காட்டுகிறது!

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    You can see the giveaway introduction and and winners at Day 1 Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5 and the final day. Merry Christmas! .nrelate_related .nr_sponsored{ left:0px !important; }

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    YOu my dear are the Queen of Charity/vintage wear. I love it! it's such a great dress on you, I feel like you should be dancing away in this wonderful look. The special vesta match case is very lovely. haha, it's quite important to be friendly with the postman… how clever of you.

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    What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.

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    ahh Rodney’s. so many infamous nights there which involved getting the entire bar singing American Pie and some serious table dancing. there’s nothing i love more than to put down a few glasses of white with their super fresh oysters. their bread is delicious too.their waiters are definitely saucy. always an entertaining night out.

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    náo entendi o que isso faz! int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){ NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; MyFirstClass *m = [[MyFirstClass alloc] init]; [m setAInt: 5]; [m print]; [m release]; [pool drain]; return ( 0 );}Para compilar u

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    Corina, si eu am luat Roaccutane, tot cu prescriptie de la dermatolog, dar ma invatase farmacista si apoi mi-a dat fara sa mai imi ceara reteta :). Stii ca initial iti o explozie de acnee pe fata, apoi incepe sa te vindece, asa ca se poate sa nu fi avut tu rabdare la prima cura. Si vezi ca un an nu ai voie sa ramai insarcinata sub nici o forma. Gerovital rulllzzz, asta in alta ordine de idei!!! Si… ce sport te-ai apucat sa faci? Pups!

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    Well I have my canning mission gotta wait to get cans back but figure i will have em all by later today wont take 2 days to finish this mission.. whats next???

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    cip&ciop · martedì, 20 novembre 2012, 9:23 amtragicamente ridicolo poi che un intero Paese (compresa la sua classe intellettuale ferocemente contraria) il “fenomeno” lo abbia analizzato, studiato, approfondito, indagato,etc,…al posto di analizzare, studiare, approfondire e, forse, indagare chi lo ha voluto lì, votandolo, difendendolo, a volte osannandolo…

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    What liberating knowledge. Give me liberty or give me death.

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    Vore väl grymt. Ã… andra sidan sÃ¥ MÃ…STE ju Mild agera, för det finns ju ingen mittback i BlÃ¥vitt värd namnet. Sorry Dyre, din tid kommer, men du är inte tillräcklig ännu. Och Hjalmar…suck

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    That insight’s perfect for what I need. Thanks!

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    You need to make better complaint forms. You don't leave us much room to explain a situation. The only time I ever get a reply is if my help request goes in your spam filter and that is automated.

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    Est-il bon ce radis Bernard ? as tu fais des photos ? décidément je vais faire appeler Lucky Luke … …. …. oh eh puis non c’est pas terrible comme surnom l’homme qui tire plus vite que son ombre …..

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    / Hi! This post could not be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my good old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read. Thanks for sharing!

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    Look, it’s very easy to see what has happened.GWB has thrown away national security to go over to his pal Teddy Kennedy’s view that Muslims are “an oppressed minority” and will obviously denounce “Islamaphobia” and call for hate-crime legislation to make burning Mohammed in Effigy a Hate Crime, while rationalizing Muslim burning of the US flag not to mention 9/11 as “understandable anger.”Why?Because GWB wants to replace the American people with the Mexican People. That’s his goal, and open-borders and amnesty is what he’s after.

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    Ummm, how about increasing the cost of sending junk mail.. We’d likely get a lot less of it, although I think I will miss all the too good to be true credit card offers. I too could really care less if they kept Saturday delivery or not, nothing really comes to me of any great import thru the US mail anymore, besides the bills I can’t e-pay.

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    That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.

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    Hi Laura,If you can bring your tomatoes plants indoors, I am sure you’ll be picking lovely tomatoes all winter. My outdoor plants finally got frosted, but the indoor ones are fine!Ann

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    Dear Abdul,Unfortunately “Interstitial Lung Disease(Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis)” is not covered under the diseases applicable for 80DDB benefit. So you will not be able to claim tax benefit under this section. If you have medical reimbursement component in your salary structure, then you can claim tax benefit on Rs 15,000 of the medical expenses.

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    Hi, i love your blog! its just great, I just found it, and already its my favourite blog! Its like your blogging from my heart :-)Go ahead..I say it with a smile like this wonderful lady! smilla

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    sorry for asking but where can i buy this products..maybe you can give me the website link..coz i can’t find it..please need ur help..

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    you exactly how they feel about what…you have just written.become a fanthis is the exact opposite of the soap box style, with this method you are writing about something you like and are raving about it. unfortunately positivity doesn’t garner as much attention as negativity on the…

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    What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly

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    Stellar work there everyone. I’ll keep on reading.

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    1. I am happy I got to have an evening where I got to read and catch up on my favorite posts by my favorite entertaining writer, The Jen Smith. 2. I am feeling honestly overall giddy that I splurged and bought black and white striped (they call them zebra striped, in my mind they are tiger striped) galoshes. Now if only I will stop hugging them… 3. Warm apple cider… oh how I have missed you…

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    Majkl: nemusím nic dokládat. pořád znovu doporučuji, aby se každý pÅ™esvÄ›dčil sám. A já ti opakuji ano – pÅ™esvÄ›dčil jsem se. O tom, že vÅ¡ichni takto hovořící se pÅ™i vyhodnocení svých zážitků mýlili. PÅ™esvÄ›dčil jsem se o tom i na vlastní kůži. Jsi-li výjimka, pohneÅ¡ ZemÄ›koulí, a já bych ti to moc přál. Ale chceÅ¡-li o tom nÄ›koho pÅ™esvÄ›dčit, o což se tady snažíš, musíš to doložit, což nedÄ›láš. Jen vyprávíš příbÄ›hy.

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    Articles like this make life so much simpler.

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    Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.

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    Paul, I’m surprise Burchell is so young. He sounds exactly like the members of my parents’ generation (Depression kids) who fulminated about moral collapse and the end of civilisation itself in the years around Woodstock.

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    Hey Guys recently I purchased HDC S3 pro dual sim mobile, please let me know How can I remove Background color of Sim network that shows on top. how to make it look like normal signal bar?

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    This is the perfect way to break down this information.

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    That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!

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    What a great shot and timing. My Brussels subway shots certainly didn’t look like this. Unfortunately, I don’t make use of my time as wisely as I should. I have a lot of those “someday” tags too. I really need to set a schedule with timers for each task. Good luck with your tasks.

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    These topics are so confusing but this helped me get the job done.

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    I’ve been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this website. Thanks , I’ll try and check back more often. How frequently you update your website?

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    बहुत सुन्दर….आश्विन जी ने बेहद सार्थक लिखा है..और रश्मि दी तो अपने साथ जाने कितने चाँद लिए चलती हैं..जहाँ तहां चार चाँद टांक देती हैं…सादर.

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    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this blog before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back frequently!

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    "I think we're cursed – period. I'm not trying to be harsh or degrading, I'm being serious from 32 years of personal experience and daily observation."You might be right. Blacks are a highly dysfunctional. Much of it is due to PTSD. What makes it worse, Blacks don't go for help. Now that is crazy.

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    Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.

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    Anna, you are making me step outside my comfort zone.Feel like signing the post with aprille fool Still, try anthing once.Shakespeare’s neologisms are now mainstream, but what a gift that was.Thank you and I hope many will have a go tonight.

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    A piece of erudition unlike any other!

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    You’ve captured this perfectly. Thanks for taking the time!

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    As long as he's not dressed as Marilyn Monroe from her role in "The Seven Year Itch" when his leg goes all a-tingle, I think we're good to go.

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    The article I saw presented the cheating as "denying underprivileged children access to the remedial resources they deserved." Of course if white students were the beneficiaries of cheating it would be "another example of institutional racism perpetuating the privileged class to the next generation." Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I will say that for a book based on as much prejudice, outdated studies, and bad methodology as the media claims of the Bell Curve, its predictive power hasn't failed once since I read it in 1995. Funny that way. I keep it on the book shelf next to Roots.

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    I’m so glad I found my solution online.

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    I lately came across your blog and have been learning along. I thought I might leave my first comment. I don’t know what to mention with the exception that I have liked reading. Great blog. I will maintain going to this web site incredibly typically.

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    That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question

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    An answer from an expert! Thanks for contributing.

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    Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!

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    I’ve been getting my feet wet in ebook formats. And the Amazon format is atrocious. No floats, borders, backgrounds. Holy Cow! I don’t care if they lower the price and market the hell out of it. Why on earth would anyone buy an ebook in a format with such limitations? Even on the ipad, there are lots of design limitations. The only way apparently to design an interesting ebook is to ditch the ebook apps altogether and make your own app….which is sad…

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    “Especially when I was left by myself, the thought came upon me that deliverance is wrought, not by the many but by the few, not by bodies but by persons. Now it was, I think, that I repeated to myself the words, which had ever been dear to me from my school days, “Exoriare aliquis!” …”JH Newman, Apologia.

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    What a fantastic introduction by Sean Lysaght and very well deserved. Michelle is a wonderful writer and I know this book is only the first of many, many more to come.Congratulations and Best Wishes.Doris

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    God bedring, med hvad det nu end er du skal til lægen med!Håber på du snart kommer til hægterne. Fortsæt den personlige blog-stil! Kan godt lide din blog, det er dejligt med en blog fra Odense.

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    You could definitely see your expertise in the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always follow your heart.

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    Hallo Hans-Jürgen,vielen Dank für das Angebot, aber die spanische Version habe ich auch. Um die NL-Pressung beneide ich Dich!

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    That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game

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    oula c’est dur comme question, je dirais la touche parfaite de 7 herbs qui fait un teint parfait alorssinon ce petit crayon à l’air pas mal, il faudra que je me penche plus dessus

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    This introduces a pleasingly rational point of view.

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    Thank you for the thoughtful update. I've been following her on social media and have seen that she is very busy. I feel blessed to be one of the lucky people who emailed so please let her know that she can take all the time she needs without worrying about any impatience whatsoever. Much love to you both :)

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    It was a little crooked, but really, as a memory, it doesn’t matter. I liked the cup when we were there, but now that we’re home, I LOVE it! They will help you and you get to practice first! Have a wonderful trip!

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    The idea is awesome, riders have been wanting to get ride of the FD for years.But do I have to go ” clic clic clic clic clic clic… ” when the sudden long steep uphill appears? That´s not very functional.

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    I guess finding useful, reliable information on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.

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    I look forward to this iniative. What with the new wireless mesh system proposed for Vancouver and Victoria, cell towers, and the Smart Meters Grid some of us will be lucky to escape without primary and secondary cancers eroding our future.

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    Thanks for that! It’s just the answer I needed.

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    Thanks for sharing. Always good to find a real expert.

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    Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.

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    è nato un nuovo motore di ricerca che promette risultati simili a quelli di ecosia, si chiama ecocho, ci possiamo fidare?? :) Direi di no. La fiducia è una cosa che ci si deve guadagnare. Attenderei prove prima di concederla.

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    Awwww….gee…..Daniel, didn't ya here, A tornado is just a sneeze…… Yes, it is angering to here terms that let off the guilty and incriminate the innocent…. Hats off to another great article of truth!

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    Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.

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    A bit surprised it seems to simple and yet useful.

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    Aiaiai, bine te-am gasit, gazda buna – nu ma pot abtine sa nu zic “multam fain!” de asta postare. Me and Plusht.. love story. Plus ca vine aici, daca nu ma insel, pe 25 aprilie, exact de ziua mea :).Sa il vedem sanatosi!

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    hmm: Jo det var det dom sa efter IQ-testet, att han kan bli precis vad han vill, han låg högt över överintelligent. Men för att plugga krävs ju lite koncentrationsförmåga också

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    Александр:Звучит в высшей степени интригующее)) С интересом жду ваш новый тренинг! Если уж инвестировать, то в себя.

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    Well Stephen, like many other folks, you have found out that you can tell me anything.Sometimes those who don’t know what’s going on are the most content. I hope things are better for you and your dad. I know I miss mine something terrible. But, I also know he’s finally happy.

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    Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.

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    Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.

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    Karilyn, congratulations on your new home! It’s so nice that you have a clean slate to work with in creating your new sanctuary- I’m sure it will be amazing based on the description you have given. Ours are very similar, our home & the lives in it. I can’t think of anything more perfect, thank you for sharing with me! Carrie

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    I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

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    Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote informative articles.

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    Agradecimiento y Felicitación al Grupo E4 – IndianosAgradecer a David, equipo de colaboradores, Indianos y asistentes, el gratificante encuentro que nos permitió darnos un baño estimulante de juventud e impulso hacia el futuro. Quisiera disfrutar y participar en la mejora de bienestar de la comunidad. Enhorabuena por vuestra iniciativa libre y el aire fresco que proyectais.Feicidades y Gracias para todos… |

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    vous en pouvez pas savoir à quel point c'est humiliant pour nous d'étaler notre ignorance! vous en avez profité pour passer chez Alex Croquet? vous connaissez???

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    根本成件事就係一班無風度既港男加害女人,A小姐無消費者權益嗎!?據理力爭有何問題,男生不應多點包容嗎!****************************************************如據理當然可以力爭,但商業法係,同一集團各店鋪要不同價格,就好似普通地區同海洋公園麥當勞,無理由要求同價,如果佢係要求元朗同旺角同價,就無理可依啦!好,我地當另一個,佢話元朗話旺角平係夾口供,咁如果旺角係標錯價,店鋪有權係貨物賣出前改正價格!咁佢發現其他鋪錯,打去叫人改正,又係無錯!好,再黎,如果佢話打去旺角問有無貨,即係唔知係乜價格,咁何來五百五同五百分別!好啦!咁有無理可以力爭!如果當事人係樹嘛一齊傾傾囉,讀得書多唔識法律唔係罪,知法犯法再以為人地唔知咁先係有失斯文!****************************************************陳生你加把嘴批評 A 小姐,以為自己好醒?不知所謂我而家就夠膽反駁你,講來講去三幅被總之無新意批評 A 小姐之前,男人請先認真自我檢討,另,非常同意樓上 gothcat 真知卓見,批評港女,婦團,道德高地睇都睇到慣曬,以陳生的低智水平應該不懂自我反省呱?港男批評別人前請先檢討下自己先啦,廢物!****************************************************呢段我就唔好意思講啦!咁激動,但希望第一段有人解左先,但再評係唔係盲目批評或其他歧視問題啦!

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    I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it understandable.

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    Sorry for the huge review, but I’m really loving the new Zune, and hope this, as well as the excellent reviews some other people have written, will help you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

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    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds like your grandmother was a wonderful woman and I feel certain some of her spirit lives in you. You're in my thoughts.

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    Excellent post at Computers get familiar with-welcome to I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! Extremely helpful info specially the last part I care for such info a lot. I was seeking this particular information for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.

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    The honesty of your posting is there for all to see

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    in effetti la "laureata in filosofia" jenny (mercy75?) ha praticamente toccato tutti i punti del "credo del fuffaro" e anche b1454462 si sta avviando sulla stessa strada.Però a me un po' rompe che il lavoro svolto dalle persone serie abbia portato benefici anche a dei "personaggi" del genere.Ciao e vado a farmi 2 bigli col musso :)

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    A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!

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    25 julio, 2007Anónimo[quote:7323012c24=”?”][quote:7323012c24=”ZaFiRa”]En la herramienta de los puertos, me aparece en el 1033, el netspy troyano en tcp.Es un troyano?Porque en la entrada del inicio (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\ CurrentVersion\\\\Run ) no hay nada que apunte a él..[/quote:7323012c24][/quote:7323012c24] No es un troyano a mi tambien me sucedio si miras ese puerto no esta abierto y se refiere ha otro programa pero no es troyano.  

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    durin alexandra dit :très beau ! bravo pour le travail… ca valait le coup d’attendre. Oui ! Ceci dit, j’aurais quand même pu me décider plus tôt, depuis le temps que ça trainait ! Mais bon, c’est mon mode de fonctionnement…

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    Oh so true. While I see the point of the 5 paragraph essay (and the 5 sentence paragraph that goes into it), I do wish that more people would say, “Now that you’ve mastered the ‘rules,’ throw them away. Because they’re not rules, they’re guidelines to help us communicate. Communication’s what it’s really all about.” And communication only matters if you’ve got an idea to communicate.

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    Yo, good lookin out! Gonna make it work now.

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    Deci pe inÈ›aleaul noatru! Comisia de Eica a decis cine nu corespunde sa fie ales pentru candidatura! In total 56 din care 20 au fost aleÈ™i “democratic” cu majoritate si totuÈ™i obtin un loc de participare. Deci 36 au ieÈ™it din joc! ÃŽmi puteÈ›i răspunde daca comisia de etica poate fi depășit de o majoritate unui grup mic de oameni! Ce sens mai are comisia de etica inafara de una zimbolica????

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    There is no doubt in my mind YouTube will continue to get better…it may take some time :) but as long as I can upload my vids, ppl can watch them and comment, then I can wait …great work youtube Team

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    Thanks for your reply! That’s what I was doing, but I kept getting a panel showing likes (that I wasn’t in). Fourth time’s the charm: Turns out I was just not clicking EXACTLY on the thumb. Just a case of bad aim. (Same reason I was always one of the last kids picked for softball – some things never change.)Hoping you make it to #1…

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    Grazi for making it nice and EZ.

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    I thought finding this would be so arduous but it’s a breeze!

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    Hi Jolean, please don’t feel the need to apologize about being “M.I.A.” life calls, we go through our own struggles etc..I’m glad I get to hear from you and hope you know, I”m not going anywhere.

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    I would wear it with black strappy wedges, I'd lift it up a bit to make it above the knee and belt it with a black leather belt and add lots of black jewelry. Then I'd put my hair into a messy bun, grab a big handbag.

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    I found myself nodding my noggin all the way through.

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    She is an incredible Light in the world. And if I may be so bold as to suggest that like-attracts-like, we are quite the loving community of writers and poets and more sharing our love and light to do all we can to help bring insight and comfort, to do our part to help heal the world. I am so thankful for YOU and your wise posts as well.

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    I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.

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    Macaroons and coffee, yum! People watching can be fun, it's so cool that you got to meet one of your own readers (who inspired you as well!)♥, Jamie

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    Je suis un fan de la première heure et j’ai toujours la boite de la version Amiga chez moi! J’aimerai bien retrouver les sensations de l’époque avec cet excellent jeu de stratégie!!

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    oie gente, preciso de ajuda. fiz plástica capilar 5 vezes em menos de 1 ano e o meu cabelo que era grosso e encaracolado afinou demais, demais, demais. quero ele de volta como era antes, ou pelo menos engrossar um pouquinho :/ ja chorei demais por isso. tenho apenas 15 anos, será que com o tempo ele volta ao normal? ;s AJUDEM

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    That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question

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    hi… i asked you a question awhile back. i am the girl who had just found out she had a unicornuate uterus. i have been on meds for the past 3 months… 1 of which no eggs were produced on my good side. my doctor switched me to a total injectible cycle of 150 mg of hmg daily for 10 days. anyway… i went for my first ultrasound after 6 days of stims and i had 3-4 eggs on my good side with a few on the other side. this was cycle day 9. they checked my estradiol level and it was 62 which they said was a little low. my question is what does that mean exactly?

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    Ale wiesz, ze jeśli nie wiedział, to jest kiepski jako nadzór? Jak FBI mogło sobie pozwolić na zatajenie informacji takiej wagi przed swoim prezydentem?.. Przed Bushem G. by nie zataili, przed Reaganem nawet nie.

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    I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! :)

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    Ja, jammer dat het anders liep, maar wie weet komen er nog meer “oranje” feesten waarbij zijn slab goed van pas komt. Leuk om te horen in ieder geval.

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    The favorite t-shirt gauntlet has been handed down through the years but it’s remained undoubtedly the longest with the custom-made Panda Bear with an umbrella shirt, love doesn’t die when the shirt fades, it just keeps growing.

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    Super jazzed about getting that know-how.

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    Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.

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    Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!

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    c1ebFirst of all I want to say awesome blog! I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your mind before writing. I have had a difficult time clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out there. I truly do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are generally lost just trying to figure out how to begin. Any suggestions or hints? Thanks!cc

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    i have stuff i have never worn, stuff i only have worn once, i won’t get rid of anything because they are like collectors art pieces and they make me happy to just own.maybe, maybe i’ll let my daughter have them one day if he proves herself fashionworthy when she is older….

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    )))) eh, nu trebe mail, ca tu stii visu’ ala… dezvolt cu placere pe tema asta face to face :PPPPP. Stiu, ca e aproape in oct., m-am uitat :). Da’ nu pot inca merge la concerte, nu s-au facut inca dopuri de urechi asa mici si de pe mine nu dau tanarul jos, nu ma pot desparti de el mai mult de cateva minute, si ales pt. treburi de stricta necesitate. Vin Muse in noiembrie in Muc. si tare greu imi e sa nu ma duc, da’ cum ziceam, mi-ar fi si mai greu fara camarad. De Cohen vorbesc toti ca e in turneu in Europa :D… inca.

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    Um. You know what I'm excited about. I'm also excited about See Jane and the Mud Run in Kent (the weekend after See Jane – yikes). And, of course, my PR goal for You Go Girl!

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    Ik heb een insteekmapje vol medailles en inderdaad hoe hard de verzmaling door de jaren groeit, ze blijven het leuk vinden, van de jaren in het dorp heb ik er telkens een kleine anekdote bijgeschreven, leuk om nu terug te lezen. Omdat de papa de website doet en foto's neemt laten we om de twee jaar een fotoboek maken is ook wel leuk om cadeau te doen met Sint, verjaardag,…Chapeau voor jullie met 4 jongens ( ik vind ééntje al tijdrovend)

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    José EdsonPaulo Rodrigues faz tempo que não comentava aqui no blog não é? Seja muitoooooooooo bem vindo sempre sua participação sempre muito bem vinda, obrigado por acreditar em minha pessoa e estarei esperando seu contato por e-mail e quem sabe por telefone. Obrigado mais uma vez pela confiança e não demore mais tanto tempo em postar seu comentário em ouros artigo ok? Acompanhe a série de artigo sobre Marketing de Rede espero ajudar a muitas pessoas a desmistificar esse tema.

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    I tried this one yesterday as the afternoon boredom set in and it worked great. My kids turned it into an activity to wash all of their toy plastic food which was a a great bonus as well!

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    I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.

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    à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°—ాà°°ూ..à°¨ేà°¨ు à°‡ంà°¦ాà°•à°Ÿి à°•ాà°®ెంà°Ÿ్ à°¨ిà°·ిà°—ంà°§ à°—ాà°°ి à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°²ో à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°šేయబోà°¯ి, à°…à°ª్పటిà°•ే à°“à°ªెà°¨్ à°…à°¯్à°¯ిఉన్à°¨ à°®ీ à°¬్à°²ాà°—ుà°²ో à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°šేà°¶ా..I apologize. It was an inadvertent mistake.Please do take care of this.Sorry again..

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    I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!

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    The concept of adultery as a process is really intriguing, and makes sense to me. I think we too often focus on the big dramatic “plot points” if you will, and forget to examine the subtleties, the nuances, the signs that predated these events. I think there is also something encouraging in seeing things this way in that if we are awake and aware we can perhaps sense the build-up of something bad. I loved this comment, and like you, I am a fervent believer in choice. Thanks, Sam!

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    I came over to see if you were Crest or Colgate and got way more than I bargained for! Hilarious!! I’ll have to go back and check out all the links. And as for the Andrew do – I told you – you’d need extensions! Especially in the eyebrow arena!!

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    If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kowabunga, dude!”

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    I really needed to find this info, thank God!

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    that, permit me reveal to you precisely what did give good results. The article (parts of it) is definitely highly powerful and that is possibly why I am taking the effort in order to opine. I do not make it a regular habit of doing that. Next, despite the fact that I can notice a leaps in logic you come up with, I am not really certain of exactly how you appear to connect your points that produce the actual final result. For now I shall subscribe to your point however trust in the future you actually link your facts much better.

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    Isa, the shutter speed was very long and the horses moved causing some ghosting around them. In a sense, it did create an eerie look to them. The eclair was yummy though I did not eat much of the chocolate.

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    Boom shakalaka boom boom, problem solved.

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    My dear Lera,Yes, there’s something extraordinarily powerful in Jesus’ healing touch, and in our extending our hands to those in trouble, too. I love that notion of “the human text.” It’s a deeply moving phrase.With many thanks,Br. James

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    how many thousand children had been dropped off the Medicaid rolls since the new Governor in Missouri took over. Their idea of affordable healthcare insurance is $340/month for a child when the family income is $22,000. Sometimes I wish Franklin Roosevelt would come back and knock a few heads together or rub their noses in it, his choice!alan

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    Kamil W. pisze:Jeżeli ktoś ma komputer stacjonarny, a nie ma z tyłu obudowy RS232, to niech zajrzy czy nie ma go bezpośrednio na płycie głównej (wejście będzie miało inny kształt).

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    Jest cos w tym przenoszeniu w dalekie rejony :) Dla mnie jednak tamtejsza kuchnia blisko zwiazana jest z miejscem, z tamtejszym sloncem, zapachem powietrza… Nigdy tutaj to nie jest to samo, ale wiem ze to w mojej glowie glownie :) Potrawy kojarzom mi sie z miejscem, nauczylam sie tez ze moje ulubione przyprawy maja tylo sprzedawcy "Bracia" i nawet ich tutaj nie szukam, jakos to nie to samo… A moze chce miec po co wracac?

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    I really needed to find this info, thank God!

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    Free knowledge like this doesn’t just help, it promote democracy. Thank you.

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    Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.

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    What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly

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    Now that’s subtle! Great to hear from you.

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    Juuri näin (anonyymi klo 15.02 kommentti), samaa mieltä!Noora on muistaakseni monta kertaa korostanut, että hän tuo esille vain oman mielipiteensä. Jos joku ei ole samaa mieltä, ok, jos joku haluaa täältä ottaa hyviä vinkkejä omaan elämäänsä, ok sekin!Minäkin taidan tilata tuon kirjan ja monia muitakin, joista Noora kirjoittaa. Kiitos myös lukuisille kirjoittajille vinkeistä kasvonhoitoon! Itselleni hyvä yhdistelmä löytyi sivun kautta!T: luomuemäntä

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    Ich habs schon bin grade fleißig am testen.Hat schon seine Vorteile wenn man freunde bei gravis hat. Da bekommt man öfters alles früher

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    It’s weird, but most of my closest friends came as I got older when the girls were little. When I was young the girls i knew were kinda mean, and it didn’t help that I lived out in the boonies away from everyone. Then boys came in the picture and forget about it;). Love the silhouettes of them. Very sweet.

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    Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!

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    O Palmeiras depois desse gol de mão do sem-vergonha do Barcos merece cair sim!Ainda tem a cara de pau de reclamar e o clube de protestar.Tirone parece aqueles meninos punheteiros de 13, 14 anos que não sabem o querem da vida..Mustafá, velho gagá, atuando nos bastidores com sua filosofia dos anos 40.Brigas e mais brigas políticasO PALMEIRAS MERECE APODRECER NA SEGUNDONA PARA VIRAR UM CLUBE DESCENTE E PROFISSIONAL! Tenque se fuder para aprender!Abraço grande mestre

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    Heel interessant. Bedankt voor je bijdrage. Waarom hebben jullie voor de bouw en landbouw gekozen als eerste branches en in welke andere branches zien jullie de grootste kansen?

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    .. ko gredo komentarji v “drevo” pokrijejo celotni desni prostor za “notice”Kot, da je v format premalo Å¡irok ..Ej, čisto možno, da je res vse ok na tvoji strani in je pri mojem bralniku kaj kar ne ustreza..

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    To think, I was confused a minute ago.

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    Mais um programa matador! Grande entrevista com Kiko. Os trabalhos solo dele são muito bons, ele sai um pouco da zona de conforto e brinca com outras sonoridades. Demais!Project 46 destruindo tudo, metal em português dá certo sim!Esperando pelo próximo episódio!Abraços!

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    Wow, that’s a really clever way of thinking about it!

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    Hey, that post leaves me feeling foolish. Kudos to you!

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    … It’s the journey, not the destination. I like that saying because..well, it’s true. It doesn’t matter where you end your journey, only what experiences you encountered on the way. Have a happy New Years!

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    Sancho, nem akarhatod, hogy elolvassam! Elkezdtem, éppen lányomnak akartam felolvasni, de már az elsÅ‘ kötet elsÅ‘ oldalán se' jutottunk túl. Krisztin azóta is utálja a Pottert, bár Å‘ olvasta.A filmeket szerettem, de ez sem tudna rávenni, hogy elolvassam a cuccot. Pedig az eredeti változatba beleolvasva nyelvileg nem tűnt rossznak – de nem szeretem a tartalmi kompillációt, fÅ‘leg, ha eredetiként adják el.

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    Hey, you’re the goto expert. Thanks for hanging out here.

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    sono d'accordo. Non sono stati mostrati dei filmati falsi sacciati per reali sono stati mostrati e basta.Quell'"individuo" poi era Luigi Bignami: Geologo e Giornalista scienifico di Repubblica e di Focus

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    It all started to go to hell when those greedy rich people put in indoor plumbing and electricity. Before those enhancements, most of the town was full of shit and in the dark.

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    bonjour,la grâce de l’ouverture yufkaların ,des morceaux de baklava oluyor.10 très proche de prêt à l’emploi yufkalarına,vous 15 pièces rectangulaires de pâte que vous utilisez oluyor.tepsinizi olur.Güzel résultats alırsınz.Hazır diamant bac par lui geçmesin.Büyük ayarlayın.Kenarlarını retirer le bac à utiliser la crème,rapprocher les deux parties de la pâte filo sur le dessus de la moyenne un peu se retrouver kullanın.Afiyet.

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    I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

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    You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.

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    Its not a good thing. I don’t like her anymore. She’s not the same person I became friends with at the start of the year.I keep saying were not friends but she still tries to drag me back. And now all the other girls who got ditched (who are my friends) have forgave her and I’m standing alone. The thing is she hasn’t changed at all.

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    A história parece ótima. A criação de um novo mundo realmente toda qualquer história excelente, e pela quantidade de personagens, tenho ctz que a autora fez um belo trabalho.

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    Math Problem please help!!!?Minoxidil is a drug that has recently proven to be effective in treating male pattern baldness. Water must be added to 20mL of a 4% minoxidil solution to dilute it to a 2% solution. How many milliliters of water should be used?

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    Seriously, the rollover search bar in the YouTube video player is hands down the most annoying feature I've ever come across on the web. Please make it stop!!! Hide the video search behind a click function, not rollover!!!

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    You really found a way to make this whole process easier.

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    Donald I replied once but was moderated. The jist was that you are clearly a reasonable human being. If you look at the comment below by chaos4700, you will see exactly what I was talking about.

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    We have no restrictions on alcohol other than the fact that it can dehydrate you. Healthe Trim isa thermal booster that works on your system being hydrated. You also want to make surewhatever you are using as a mixer doesn’t have caffeine or artificial sweetener. Drinkingwater on the side is also encouraged.

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    Sería conveniente que alguien canalizara a este loco con un psiquiatra, pues es evidente que padece de transtornos mentales graves. Pobres de quienes lo tienen de vecino.

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    YMMD with that answer! TX

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    This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?

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    “They can call it Sky High Berry that tastes like gulf oil. Drink up fool.”was that joke everything you thought it would be when you typed it up? that’s pretty good. got any more good cracks like that shakespeare? – Rate this comment: 0  0

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    Without surgical methods, or prescribed medicine. Is there a formula to boost height growth? For instance, dietary, physical excercises. Thank you for your input.Genetics – Malnutrion apparently affects growth. Therefore genetics is responsible for one area.

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    Ah, it’s okay. Once it fell, I sent a few “walls” home with my friends so we all got to eat a little of it. I don’t miss retail and grocery store work at all during the holidays, or any time really. Clay worked at a pharmacy one holiday season though and I think that was even worse.

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    Chris!!! Congrats on the completion of the first leg!!! Im really proud to be associated with amazing people like yourself – you are an inspiration. I cant wait for the day that i can experience the joy and satisfaction that comes with putting smiles on these kids faces. Awesome reading your blog as usual keep up the good work Em

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    Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.

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    It’s a joy to find someone who can think like that

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    Superbly illuminating data here, thanks!

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    I dva dana posle tog sastanka na kome sam učestvovao ne mogu da se smirim.Mislim da je meni najteže,da me “pljunu” ljudi sa kojima sam proveo godine,ali ja joÅ¡ verujem da dobro uvek pobedi zlo!

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    This could not possibly have been more helpful!

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    Sertuğ Bakırcı / 04 Ocak 2012Övgü dolu sözleriniz için teşekkür ederim. Bu güzel sözlerinizi hakedebildiysem ne mutlu bana Açıkçası kendime ait bir blog sayfam bulunmuyor, ilk defa halka açık bir şekilde yazı yazdığım için yazılarımı facebook ve twitter dışında bir yere aktarmak aklıma gelmemişti. Sizin bu sözlerinizden sonra bir düşünsem iyi olacak sanırım bakalım forumda bir başlık altında hazırladığım yazıları toplayabilecek miyim Cevaplamak için giriş yapın

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    I read your posting and was jealous

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    There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.

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    This post has helped me think things through

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    I just looked at how the comments for this page appear on the sidebar…“Sandy, csj on The Kitchen Table, Reggie Hudson on The Kitchen Table”… maybe I’ve just worked too hard this week, but the image in my mind is too funny, as in “ON” the kitchen table. My mom always thought I was a wild one…what a hoot!

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    Enhorabuena, Mikel. Los que te seguimos asiduamente tenemos contigo una cita diaria en la que encontramos rigor, actualidad, y responsabilidad al hablar del ferrocarriles presente, pasado y futuro. Coincido y apoyo tus deseos de 2013 para Juanjo y la Izarra. Y los extiendo a personas y patrimonio, que son desplazados, perseguidos y abandonados por hablar alto y claro de la realidad del patrimonio histórico ferroviario, de la necesidad de protección pública y de los graves riesgos de expolio y pérdida definitiva por favorecer el lucro particular. Seguiremos en ello. Feliz, muy feliz Navidad.

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    I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!

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    Bonjour Francine,J'ai eu l'occasion de déguster ce thé vert Yan Luo Po. Une petit merveille.Souhaitons que ces petites hirondelles puissent migrer de Paris vers Bruxelles pour y nicher.AmitiésNicolas

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    I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

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    Well I’ve just gotten into Twilight really in the last couple of weeks so I’m not a lunatic fan. I did finish the books in 3 weeks, but I’m hoping to get over it. :c) Anyway, what I really want to say is that I think he had a great voice and musical ability. I heard some stuff on you tube and am impressed. I would never have thought to be honest. I am glad to know that he’s going to try to write some more stuff.

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    help me!!! sunt cu un baiat de 2 luni tin la el dar nu simt dragostea lui,nu isi arata sentimentele doar imi spune ca tine la mn si ma iubeste…ma plctiseste cand sunt cu el si nu vorbeste e mai tacut si nu ma face sa ma simt prietena lui…ma gandeam la o despartire datorita faptului ca nu ma simt protejata de el.HELP ME

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    Jag köpte skoblock från bexley i våras Är väldigt nöjd! Ett par storlek UK 9,5 som passar perfekt i mina loake UK 9,5. Fyller ut skorna bra och ger dem en fräsch doft.Jag köpte även skoborstar och liknande vilket jag starkt kan rekommendera då priset på dessa är en bråkdel av vad skomakare tar i Sverige

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    Yep, we all suffer cause the realtor who sold a house to those who couldnt afford the payments just wanted to get a commission….It all goes back to Greed,greed,greed.

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    That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.

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    These fires are just the beginning symptoms of worst things to come that will increase the tension of civil war. There are just too many bad things happening in this country and also many spots of world. Europe seems to be getting their dose of cultural conflict.

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    The colour of the person being sought was reported, including on the BBC.His identity will be a factor in this case, but why would his ethnicity be relevant. Perhaps his religion should be exposed too.   2 likes

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    Didn’t realize this existed! I’ve spent some time setting up similar sites for different products, and doing a lot of the same work on each… Very nice.   

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    Me dull. You smart. That’s just what I needed.

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    How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.

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    That’s a nicely made answer to a challenging question

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    Det er så bra at det har kommet så ekstrem stor fokus på brystkreft! Jeg tenker på det mer og mer dess eldre jeg blir at noen av mine kjære kan få det, eller at jeg skal få det. Ønsker deg en fin dag, Heidi!klem fra meg

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    I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! :)

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    You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.

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    Hallo Herr Behrendt,normalerweise ist eine Ansteuerung der Innenraumheizung nicht vorgesehen. Da aber auch ich denke, das es nur logisch & schlüssig wäre, das Gebläse mit anzusteuern, tüfteln wir gerade an einer kostengünstigen Erweiterung.Den ersten Prototypen haben wir fertig und ich denke, das wir diesen bald anbieten können.LgMarc Burauen

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    Your answer lifts the intelligence of the debate.

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    Capitalism is not perfect. That is the problem with it for the utopians on the left.But it is the best system yet devised by man for the distribution of goods and services in the most effective way.The systems that the Dems. are pushing, have been tried and failed (look at Europe) many times. Why they cannot look around them and see these facts is proof that their leftist utopianism is akin to a religious belief.

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    Ps: This works in dangerous situations, too! Act crazy and people stop in their tracks. Teachers know things. This is why I sing and dance and stand on my desk in my classroom (and in bars). IYKWIM.

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    Good point, Tony, if you're an elite an want softer, flat surface Boulder's best bets are the Res and S. Boulder Creek trails.With Miwok in sight, speed circles around Walker Ranch would be my routine. You're primed and ready to do Miwok right. Are you shooting for Mackey's record? Looking at other stuff, I think you have a good shot at it. The weather here has been great and the course should be fast (read: the rainy season is done and it will be dry until Thanksgiving).tim

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    Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!

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    Very sad, but you have many ahead to look forward to capturing! I’m amazed at all I’d forgotten. They are a blast to resurrect! If our house was burning down, after my family, I honestly think I’d risk grabbing my home video stash!

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    Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.

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    of course,I forgot add, the original inhabitants of these lands the Aboriginals. They mainly like to remain in their own communities in the outback, which unfortunately many prefering to shun mainstream “white” society.

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    This is an article that makes you think “never thought of that!”

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    By February 17, 2013 – 7:43 amHello, I just hopped over to your website using StumbleUpon. Not somthing I might usually read, but I enjoyed your views none the less. Thank you for creating something worthy of reading.

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    I love the pomp and circumstance associated with everything in aviation. One of my deepest desires is to applaud loudly after the stewardess does her safety demo and demand an encore. Or ask for an autograph

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    HHIS I should have thought of that!

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    This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.

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    budak sekolah tadika tanya aku, kenapa australia tak nak proses kat negeri dia, negeri dia banyak tanah dan gurun2.terkejut jugak aku, aku bagi taw dia orang putih dah kaya, dia buat kat negeri kita sbb nak bagi orang2 tu kaya.budak tu tanya orang2 tu sapa?aku cakap budak2 tak bolih berpolitik, nnt polis tangkap.budak tu garu kepala….

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    My hat is off to your astute command over this topic-bravo!

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    Det bildet av alle hvitveisene, bare elsker jeg! Det er vÃ¥r for meg:)Takk for denne runden med ABC'n… HÃ¥per du vil stikke innom av og til i runde 3 i alle fall:)

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    We all know it should be Natalie Portman and, as for her not doing sex… um, CLOSER had her down to her skivies…I just think Page is to brainy-meek and the commercials of late HURT her believability.Pascal et al would never approve it, but someone like Rachel Bilson could get it done physically and, with good coaching, deliver the star turn…But the parallels as to LA FEMME NIKITA becoming NIKITA are to apropos to ignore… THEY WILL NEUTER THIS GRAND DAME BITCH EVEN WITH FINCHER AT THE HELM!You watch.

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    read the report: 2/3 of the population does NOT live in edmonton and calgary. 52% live in Edmonton and Calgary. 2/3 live in "urban" that includes Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat. grr.

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    Thank you so much for this article, it saved me time!

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    Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.

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    you all know I like to write about foodish things. Yesterday, Pastor Shane Blackshear wrote a blog post calling for the Church to address the problem of obesity. I heartily agree that the pastorate would

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    It would send a terrific, powerful, nationwide message if the people of Wisconsin were to recall those Republican state senators and then top it off next January or February by giving Walker a humiliating defeat.I just hope the people of Wisconsin will persist and not let this blow over.

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    Quick, pass me my night vision googles….as for scripts, working on one that will require all of your skills and his utmost restaint. You just have to play the horny sexy lead role (you need no training on this one), comes naturally…!!;o)

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    Correct my last statementWhere is readed:"He discover the gnostic cult, and thats way he was martyred "must be read:"He discover the evil gnostic occult cult, and thats why he was martyred"

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    Whoa, things just got a whole lot easier.

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    It’s great to find someone so on the ball

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    Superb website you have here but I was wondering if you knew of any message boards that cover the same topics discussed here? I’d really like to be a part of online community where I can get suggestions from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Kudos!

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    That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question

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    Tell me why in the hell we need to watch all 2 painful hours of volleyball, then beach volleyball on the weekend, when there is gymnastics that could be shown???…Because NBC's showing of only the Americans between 9:30 and midnight est is RIDICULOUS! To say we like gymnastics means we like and want to see all gymnasts.One thought for America: livestream (but it requires being home to do so!)…no commentary or commercials (but if it catches on it may put these broadcasters out of a job. Catch my drift?)

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    Awesome you should think of something like that

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    Yes, that is just as I imagined a real Norwegian troll(made anywhere) to look….happy and good looking!:) Great image, Petunia and a fun post for SWF.

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    Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks

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    This was a great tribute and very well written! Whenever 9/11 rolls around, I do feel neverending sadness for those that lost their lives that day, but more than anything I feel great pride in being an American and I always feel great pride towards our country for being so resilient and getting back up on our feet. On this day more than any other day, the 'United' part of the 'United States of America' holds true.

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    Bread and Circuses AG.did you guys hear about the hipster doofus in washington who got a 7.62 sig sent to his house instead of a TV. of course he reported it to the police because he is scared of guns.I wish somebody would accidently send me a 1500 dollar rifle through the mail.

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    The Tories in England have become much better at this, leaving "populist conservatives" to the British National Party.Unfortunately for the Tories' electoral prospects, the country now has a real alternative populist conservative party in the shape of the UK Independence Party which has none of the readily exploitable & unsavoury Nazi connections and association with (middle class voter terrifying) street violence of BNP.

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